Art Degree (B.A.), Graphic Design Concentration

For Art majors interested in a career in Graphic Design or Commercial Art, the graphic design courses provide an emphasis in computer-generated graphics, as well as an opportunity to study various art forms.

See some of our students' work

Portfolio Review:

If you've requested admission to the Art Major on your application form, applicants must successfully pass a portfolio review by the Art Department鈥檚 faculty.


Program Description

For Art Majors interested in a career in graphic design or preparation for graduate study in graphic design, the Graphic Design Concentration (21 additional credits) offers industry related training in this field. Though highly creative, we aim for students to be prepared for positions in the professional field. Graphic Design is a focus in visual communication, where we take the students comprehension of color, balance, and composition into a real-life industry related context. Students who choose to study a concentration in Graphic Design will be challenged with client and design research, design history and theory, layout, typography, printing, comping, and presentation. At 秀色短视频, our students are enhanced by their studies in the Fine Arts, which they bring into their design related courses in the form of custom illustrations. Students should expect to have training in editorial design, collateral design, package design, 3D modeling and printing, print specification and pricing, visual design systems (branding), experimental methods, environmental design, digital resources, and user experience design.  

Requirements for Art Majors
  • One Art elective Credits: 3 Two 300-level Art History Courses Credits: 6

One of the following:


** Students completing Art Teacher Licensure Programs must take  Introduction to Computer Graphics as their art elective.

Art majors are required to take  and , to satisfy the Appreciation of the Arts requirement of the common core.

Art majors must complete a minimum of 27 credits of course work within the Art Department at 秀色短视频 State. Students are advised to consult their advisors for information on course sequencing and general core requirements.

Art majors intending to pursue graduate work beyond their major are advised to take additionally recommended studio courses of their choice. It is also advisable to include more than the minimum requirements in Art History.

Graphic Design Concentration For Art Majors


Graphic Design Courses - 21 Credits:


*Three one-credit courses in the computer graphics area, such as Photoshop, Quark Express, or Illustrator, may be substituted for .

Graphic Design Internship

The Graphic Design Internship prepares the student for work in the Graphic Design field. The Internship is usually an on campus or off campus placement in a department that needs a graphic designer.  We also place students in outside advertising agencies, marketing companies, or graphic design firms/boutiques.  Alternative class scheduling can be arranged, if necessary.  Internships are from 3 - 12 credits.  

For a Graphic Design internship placement, a student must have completed ART 0210 and ART 0228 and have a cumulative grade point average of 2.8 and a Art Major / Graphic Design Concentration of a 3.0.  Acceptance is by application (which can be found on the department's webpage) and approval of the Graphic Design Coordinator, the Department Chairperson, and the Career Center.  For more information on internships, please visit the Internship Requirement document on the Art Department's webpage.  

Additional Graduation Requirements

All students must meet the  and complete a common core of studies, distributed among the different academic areas as detailed in the .

Learning Outcomes

  • Developed capacity for critical, creative, investigative, and conceptual thinking.
  • Ability to identify and solve visual and conceptual problems.
  • Ability to present and communicate effectively, creatively, and critically across a range of form and media
  • Generate a personal focus and contribute an independent voice to the world
  • Be ready to work as professionals in art education; art history; design; fine arts; illustration and animation
  • Refer to the fullest range of historical and contemporary art and design sources from across cultures and time
  • Apply a wide range of research methods and technologies in gathering and analyzing information
  • Engage effectively in individual and/or collaborative approaches to work
Graphic Design Gallery Image
Art Club
The purpose of this club is to enrich the educational experience of all students interested in art by providing trips to art museums.


Art Club
Graphic Design Club
The Graphic Design Club provides members with a better understanding of graphic design and graphic arts in visual communication.


Graphic Design Club
The primary purpose of the 秀色短视频 State Otaku Club is to provide members of the club with information pertaining to Japanese animation.
