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The program is intended to support direct costs of research activities, including but not limited to purchase of equipment and supplies; research participants; clerical assistance; data analysis; travel associated with conducting research; and costs associated with publication or conference presentation of research. The program is not intended for funding reassignment of courses or for research conducted for completion of an academic degree. The maximum award amount is $2,500. Funds awarded must be used by the completion date specified in the award notice, which may be up to one year from the award notice date (i.e., not necessarily within the same fiscal year). Submission Guidelines Two application deadlines; November 1, 2019 and March 2, 2020. A proposal of not more than 4 pages, written for non-specialists, must include (a) an introduction including a statement of purpose; (b) a detailed description of the proposed research activity, including scope and methods; (c) a statement of the anticipated benefits to the writers professional development, the academic field, and the University; (d) a schedule of the project, including estimated completion date; (e) a statement on any pending or potential external support; and (f) a detailed budget. (Also see Guidelines on Budget Categories, below.) The complete application must include the proposal, a current CV, and a one-page application cover sheet (attached here and posted on the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs Web page). The complete application must be submitted via email attachments to the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs by the deadline given. If Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval is needed, the appropriate forms must be submitted to the IRB within six months of the award notification; no monies will be distributed until IRB approval has been received. Two or more joint researchers may apply separately for distinct components of the project; in such cases, funding of each proposal will be judged on its own merits. Guidelines on Budget Categories Personnel (student, technical, clerical, professional): Details regarding the nature of the tasks to be carried out, the level of responsibility, the period of employment and the proposed rate of pay (hourly, monthly) must be specified. Fringe benefits and payroll levy must be included in the calculation of salaries. Materials and supplies: It is assumed that standard office and laboratory supplies are provided by the academic department. Exceptions and any large quantities or unusual items should be justified. Equipment: The applicant must verify that the equipment requested is not already available at the University and the extent to which purchased equipment will be available for use by others. Equipment purchased will become property of the University. For any equipment item a price quote must be provided. Travel: Details regarding the purpose, destination, duration, mode, and cost of travel must be provided. If travel is for research collaboration, demonstrate the need for in-person collaboration rather than by correspondence or videoconference; likewise, for travel to archives and other research sites, demonstrate the inadequacy of material available by purchase, interlibrary loan, and other less costly means. Selection Process Applications will be reviewed for selection by the Grants Advisory Committee, which may award grants totaling the funds available for the year or a lesser total amount. Successful proposals will demonstrate promise of making a significant contribution to the field; show currency in the field through reference to recent developments; articulate a clear methodology; and be consistent with the purposes of the URGP. There is no provision for appeal of funding decisions. Conditions of the Award Research supported by the URGP must comply with ɫƵs policies on the conduct of research, specifically the University policy on research ethics and, where applicable, on research involving the use of animals, human subjects, or biohazards. It is the responsibility of the applicant to secure the appropriate approval for the proposed research; funds will not be released until all such approvals have been obtained and received by the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs. The award recipient may request in writing an extension of the period for such approvals, with a justification of the extension request. Research grants must be used for the purposes of the project as described in the application. An award recipient wanting to transfer funds from one budget category to another in response to changing research needs or to use funds for a new budget item must secure the prior written approval of the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs. The award recipient is responsible for the use of the funds and for any over-expenditure of research accounts. Expenditures must comply with University regulations concerning the use of special project funds and must be made in accordance with standard University financial procedures. Grants involving the purchase of equipment are made with the understanding that any costs associated with the installation, operation, and maintenance of any equipment purchased will be the responsibility of the researcher and his/her department. URGP awards normally terminate on the date specified in the award notification letter and any unspent funds are automatically returned to the URGP. Grant-holders may request to have the period of the award extended by writing to the Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs not later than one month prior to the end date of the award. Such requests must include a justification for the extension. Within three months of the completion or termination of the grant, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs. This report should not exceed three pages and should describe what was accomplished, including a summary of the major research findings; plans for research dissemination, including an indication of any resulting publications/paper presentations achieved or in preparation; research personnel trained; external funding that has been obtained or applied for as a result of the project; and future funding prospects. In addition, attendance at the Day of Sharing is required (to be held May 2020) for all faculty who receive money during the academic year. Subsequent applications for research support will not be considered unless all final reports pertaining to previous awards have been submitted to the Office of Grants and Sponsored Programs. Request for Funds, University Research Grant Program (URGP) ɫƵ Academic Year: 2019 - 2020 An internal research grant program to support faculty research activities focused on supporting research activities, including applicable creative activities that foster the intellectual vitality of the University and the professional growth of its faculty and librarians. Proposal should consist of a. f. in the call. Directions: Complete and return your proposal and CV. The proposal and CV must be submitted electronically with this signed sheet as a PDF. This application should be no more than four-pages and follow the outline provided below. Proposal and CV should be sent to Louann DAngelo, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs (grants@westfield.ma.edu). Todays Date: Name: Ext.: Department: How long have you been with the university: A introduction including a statement of purpose: Detailed description of the proposed research activity, including scope/methods; scope and methods; statement of the anticipated benefits to the writers professional development, the academic field, and the University; a schedule of the project including estimated completion date; a statement on any pending or potential external support. A statement of the anticipated benefits to the writers professional development, the academic field, and the University; A Schedule of the project, including estimated completion date; A statement on any pending or potential external support; A detailed budget: TravelDescriptionProject Funding AmountURGP Funding AmountTransportation$$Meals$$Accommodations$$Registration$$Materials/Supplies$$Other$$TOTAL REQUEST$$ ________________________ _______________________ Applicant signature Department chair signature Directions: Complete and return this application along with your proposal and current CV. The application, proposal, and CV must be submitted electronically to Louann DAngelo, Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs (grants@westfield.ma.edu). 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