ࡱ> ;=:y k bjbj .0{{k||,t*****$< |**"**:,y*Y'. 0'R UF y yF | : Multicultural Student Association Constitution Article I Name: Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Multicultural Student Association. Article II Purpose: Section 1: The purpose of the Multicultural Student Association is to promote diversity and cultural awareness throughout our campus and community. Our mission is to include all aspects of all the people that we encounter in the world we live in today, may it be social, cultural, academic, or personal. We bring that ideology to our campus through programs and community service. Article III Membership: Section 1: Membership shall be open to all full-time and part-time undergraduate students of ɫƵ who have paid their student activities fee for the current academic semester. Section 2: Members are considered to be active if they attend and participate in all events, committees, and community service organized by the organization. Members are considered to be inactive when attendance at meetings and participation at events reaches four (4) absences. Article IV Officers: Section 1: The organization consists of the following officers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Historian, Artistic Director, and Public Relations Representative. Section 2: Duties and responsibilities of each officer President: The President will take general consensus of ideas from the group as a whole and to present the ideas to the officers and be the voice of the organization. In addition, formulate the majority opinion or choice in the event of a vote. The individual has to last say in votes when it is beneficial to the organization as a whole. In addition, they will work with the advisor(s) to make sure events are booked via the campus EMS system. Vice-President: The Vice-President will take the place of the President in the event they cannot fulfill their duties. They will make sure all of the officers are doing their jobs and maintain a working communication between all of the officers. Secretary: The Secretary is to keep minutes at each executive board meeting and general meeting. They are responsible for typing the minutes and sending minutes out via email after each meeting. They are responsible for all logistical items concerning executive board and general members. (i.e. the attendance of executive board and member) Treasurer: The Treasurer handles all of the vouchers, petty cash, receipts, bill payments, ect. They should suggest any necessary budget cuts in case of a money shortage. The organization should be kept posted on the bills that have or have not been paid. In addition, the Treasurer is responsible for balancing the books on a regular basis. Historian: The Historian will be responsible for the collection for all memorabilia and publications for any event hosted by the organization. In addition, they are responsible for Facebook invites and photography for all events hosted by the organization. Artistic Director: The Artistic Director is responsible for all production of material for advertisement of event (i.e. flyers, posters, event programs, tickets Public Relations Representative: The Public Relations Representative will be responsible to maintain and open line of communication between the campus and the organization. They should be aware of all things concerning advertisements of events for the organization. The Public Relations Representative will be the main contact person for all events hosted by the organization which involves other colleges and groups. Article V Advisor(s): Section 1: The advisor(s) will be appointed by the consensus of the executive board. Section 2: The advisor(s) will be responsible for all reassurances of eligibility concerning all logistical aspects of the organization (events, community service, outings, ect) In addition the Advisor should attend all meetings and have input in all final ideas and or suggestions concerning the organization. As a University Representative the advisor should assist the Executive Board in their promotion of the mission statement of the organization throughout the campus. Article VI Elections: Section 1: Elections for all executive board will be held at the end of spring semester. All active members of the organization are eligible to hold office. Open elections are held for all Multicultural Student Association members on campus. Nominations will take place by students making a speech and then ballots will be cast. Section 2: Ballots will be casted on a ballot form and the advisor(s) will be responsible for tallying them. Section 3: No election may be held if there is not a quorum of fifty percent (50%) of the club members plus one (1) present at the meeting. Section 4: The current President at the time of elections will serve as the non-bias-tie breaker. If the President is part of the election then the advisor(s) will serve as the non-bias tie-breaker. Article VII Meetings: Section 1: The organization will meet no less than once a week for an hour. Section 2: The executive board will meet prior to the general organization meeting. Section 3: Advisor(s) and the President will be able to conduct emergency meetings. Section 4: Members are considered to be inactive when tardiness to meetings and participation at events reaches five (5) (without 24-hour notice) Article VIII Vacancies: Section 1: Appointments will be made by the executive board if an officer resigns or an advisor leaves. Article IX Amending Procedure: Section 1: This constitution may be amended by a eighty percent (80%) of the voting members in the organization and if approved by the Rules and Regulations committee of the Student Government Association. Article X Removal from office: Section 1: An officer may be removed from the board by not attending two (2) executive board meetings and three (3) general meetings. Section 2: By eighty percent (80%) vote of the executive board. Section 3: An officer who has been removed may petition for a review before the executive board. Section 4: If the officer is not reinstated, a general election must be held with two (2) weeks to elect a new officer. Section 5: If the advisor is not performing their duties they will be asked to step down. 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