Psi Chi

Faculty Advisors:  Summer L. Williams, Ph.D & Alex Daniel, Ph.D

Who the officers for 2018-2019 are:

President -           Michelle Jasiel
Vice President -   Lauren Stornelli
Secretary -           Nicole Heroux
Treasurer -           Brianna Low Cora
Historian -            Sarah Abare

What Psi Chi Can Do For You?…

  • Informational workshops related to grad school, internships, etc.
  • Service projects to the community – homeless drive, women’s drive (these change each year)
  • Regional conferences like Eastern Psychological Association (EPA)
  • Fun psych-related events
  • Bi-monthly all-chapter meetings (you don't have to be a member to sit in!); monthly officer meetings
  • Annual new member induction every April
  • Officers elected for the following academic year in the spring semester 

Requirements of membership include ALL of the following academic criteria:

  • Complete at least 3 semesters or 5 quarter semesters and declare the psychology major/minor.
  • Complete at least 9 credits of psychology or 3 psychology courses at ÐãÉ«¶ÌÊÓƵ
  • Rank within the upper 35% of your class
  • Have at least a 3.0 overall GPA AND 3.0 Psychology GPA for undergrads and graduates.
  • Maintain a high standard of personal behavior.
  • Have 2/3 affirmative vote of those present at regular chapter meetings.
  • A letter of invitation will be sent to your home address over the winter break, IF you meet ALL eligibility requirements

What is the mission of the group?
To excel in scholarship and advance in the field of psychology.

Social Media: 

Check out our social media pages for more info and for future meetings!